Insulation of pipe lines - Hot water/ Steam Lines
Lagged in high density resin bond glass wool for pipe lines up to
diameter or stonewool for larger pipe lines, secured with steel wire
then clad with a protective cover of steel of your choice ( galvanised, aluminium
or stainless steel ).
Chilled Water Lines
Lag with pre formed polystyrene sections complete with vapour seal
and membrane bandage and clad with a protective cover of steel of your
( galvanised, aluminium
or stainless steel ).
Boiler and Tank Insulation
Boiler and tank insulation lagged with wire backed stonewool / insulmatt.
Depending on the temperature
of boiler / tank being insulated a suitable
density and thickness will be applied. once lagged the protective cladding
will be fitted ( galvanised, aluminium
or stainless steel ).
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